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Ysgol Hen Felin

Ysgol Hen Felin

Relationships and Sexual Education and Religion, Vales and Ethics

Relationships and Sexual Education -

Relationships and Sexual Education is taught throughout the school at all ages.  Our school nurse is also involved in this process.  We would like to reassure parents that any teaching of sex education is implemented within a sympathetic and moral framework. Parents have the right to exempt their child from sex education, if they so wish.

Religion, Values and Ethics -

All pupils are taught Religion, Values and Ethics at Ysgol Hen Felin following the guidelines set out in the Agreed Syllabus. RVE is part of the daily curriculum and is integral to our structured assembly programme. It is also delivered through the Humanities AoLE. Collective worship is delivered daily and prayers are said in assembly, at lunchtime and at the end of the day. Annual religious festivals, both Christian and other religions, are also noted and/or celebrated, eg Diwali, Easter, Christmas.